Living free of fear in the global crisis.
Are "G5" and "climate change" a real threat to us and Mother Earth? I don't think so and I don't feel any fear of it. Am I too naive or cold? Do I close my mind to unpleasant facts?
No, because there are profound healing developments worldwide - as a result of our collective conversion and inner healing.
This is mostly suppressed or reinterpreted by the ruling mainstream media.
A well-known agenda of this media is the targeted generation of fear. In addition, they distract - fortunately more and more unsuccessfully - from the machinations of globalist power, finance and oppression politics.
This can also be seen in the example of "G5" and "climate change".
- The new "G5" technology - not only for Smartphones - apparently has significant adverse health effects. But this is hardly brought up in the media. While the media downplay the dangers, the construction of a G5 network is being pushed ahead with great haste.
- In contrast, the dangers of "climate warming" claimed by politically dependent scientists are a constant topic in the media. See the widely publicized appearances of the schoolgirl Greta Thunberg.
At the same time, there is a growing body of scientific work that clearly shows that there is little cause for excitement or concern. And that the officially traded figures are manipulated.
Reason enough, I think, to overcome the last fears now and to let go and to trust the ever stronger growing LIGHT.
- Starting point
- There's no use fighting it.
- Everything is coming to light now.
- To be jointly co-responsible
- Ho'oponopono and forgiveness
- Integral view
- Leave duality behind
Maybe the following thought-provoking impulses will make you see everything in a new light. Read also here in the blog The light has come!
Basically, I have already said all the essential things about me there.
The global change happens with the help of the light now by us, by participating actively and healing in suitable way.
My personal starting point
For several months now I have been intensively engaged in global political developments.
More precisely: since Trump's election as American president. In the past, I tended to ignore global politics because I didn't want to unnecessarily reinforce an inner sense of powerlessness. That is different now. I clearly feel that the old power structures are coming to an end and real freedom beckons on the horizon.
Keeping busy is one thing, talking about it is often quite another. Because everything dark is now coming to light. And it is apparently enough just to mention this darkness to produce unintended effects in the other person:
"Stop it, it's getting me down!" "Let's change the subject."
Do you know this one?
What might a solution look like?
What might a solution look like where everyone involved comes into higher vibration instead of being "pulled down"?
A few days ago I was lucky enough to come a lot closer to this solution in conversations with friends.
This is what the following will be about.
Summarized in advance: Especially very sensitive, compassionate people can take courage to allow energetically dragging down images.
Instead of suffering them passively, they can actively connect with the ever-present Divine Power. And with this power, transform and heal everything.
As I said, it started with Trump's election. I stumbled over the incredibly violent negative image that the mainstream media invariably paint of him. A more positive projection of my own emerged: Trump does not seem to belong to the world-dominating, globalist negative elite, and he seems to have declared war on this elite, the "Deep State". He wants to "drain the swamp." He is also not playing the "climate change game" and has denounced the Paris Agreement. And with regard to "G5," he wants to implement a harmless version in a timely manner and thus put an end to the harmful variant.
It is precisely at this point that I have become clairaudient. Because for decades I have consciously experienced the oppressive features of the rule of this elite and wish ardently that it would stop. For is it not a global enslavement of all people by generating "disease" and hunger, hatred, war and money-debt?
There's no use fighting it.
I used to be an anti-nuclear activist in Gorleben - until I learned that fighting only strengthens the "other side. I have internalized this lesson.
But will change come on its own? What is my personal task here?
For several years, an international alliance, the so-called "White Hats," has been covertly preparing for this change. In the meantime, they are acting very successfully politically and legally as well as militarily for an end to the rule of the "Black Hats", i.e. the negative elite.
"The Great Awakening" is a main motto of the so-called Q-movement. Q is an anonymous insider source in the very close environment of D. Trump. It has access to highest secrecy areas and provides important connections in countless small "breadcrumbs". Q invites all attentive truth seekers to take a self-responsible look behind the political scenes.
I gladly pass on this invitation: Inform yourself by following your heart and getting your info wherever you find it. There is a lot of misinformation, especially on the Internet. And it takes intuition to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Before the old structure can be finally destroyed, it is important to recognize and let go of all our shadow issues.
Why does this matter - not only to me? What roles do we play in all of this? That of a conscious observer?
For me, it is quite important to learn who has played which game so far.
Only then can we consciously open ourselves for liberating changes.
Everything is coming to light now. Healing is happening.
We have created the world as we see it. With the collective power of our thoughts. It is our projection. Whatever kind of violence, hatred, unkindness in general I see in it, it comes from within me.
Both in the redeemed and unredeemed state, the totality of human beings is quasi ONE body. With every brother, with every sister I am connected. Whether this is sympathetic to me or not. Isn't it just my "enemies" who can mirror to me what I don't want to see in myself?
Somehow, for me, it's a stark crash course in looking at what evil humanity has in store for me one last (?) time. Everything that is important for the development of my consciousness now inevitably comes to light.
Perhaps this also applies to you. Possibly it is somehow also your task to consciously let go of the collective "evil", in order to finally merge completely into LOVE.
It is then all the more important not to "pull oneself down" in the process, but to let oneself be helped to transform the inner and outer darkness. This is where co-responsibility comes into play. It replaces all condemnation and blame and makes real healing possible.
No changing the subject, no whining, but being co-responsible
Violence-soaked political topics of conversation usually cause the desire to change the subject, create an unpleasant feeling of powerlessness that we prefer to block out. At the very least, we condemn the bad guys, supplementing this with the woolly assertion that "man is just evil."
Until now, we have avoided a co-responsible, conscious approach to "politics". In a loveless, indifferent way, we regularly cast our votes in elections. Or stay at home - as I do most of the time. And we don't really know how to reappropriate our vote without putting ourselves in greater danger.
But are we really powerless? Are we forced to retreat into a "perfect" spiritual island world? How can we more lovingly live our co-responsibility successfully?
Ho'oponopono and forgiveness
The co-responsibility of a single person can have a powerful effect and change the whole environment.
Joe Vitale describes the power of co-responsibility in his readable article of the Hawaiian healer and physician Dr. Len.
This healer worked for three years in a ward for mentally ill serious criminals so successfully that the ward finally had no more patients and could be closed!
Especially remarkable because Dr. Len never saw a patient during this time. He merely studied the patients' files and consciously absorbed their contents into his mind.
Using the Hawaiian healing method Ho'oponopono, Dr. Len forgave himself for the criminal offenses and then allowed his mind to be healed by the elemental force.
Dr. Len executes:
"Taking complete responsibility for my life means that everything in my life - if only because it is my life - is my responsibility. The whole world is literally my creation."
"When you take complete responsibility for your life, everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or otherwise experience is your responsibility because it occurs in your life."
"Basically, nothing exists except as a projection from within. Problems are not on the outside, they are your problem."
"Blaming someone else is a lot easier than taking full responsibility."
"I just kept saying:
I'm sorry - inside me. followed by
I forgive you - inside me.
I love you - inside me.
and kept repeating it."
Dr. Len thus shows us very impressively how we can replace our old pattern - to face the "evils of the world" in a helpless, resigning, blanking, complaining and condemning way.
And that is through an extremely effective and responsible way within ourselves. I do not need to look for the "evil" at all when I am at peace. Nor do I need to engage in "political conversations." But every time something upsets me on the outside, it is guaranteed to have something to do with me.
And exactly then is the opportunity for healing co-responsibility in the style of Dr. Len - with the help of the power of loving thoughts.
From a dual to an integral view
Our human and also divine self-consciousness unfolds very probably much faster and more effectively within the framework of a dualistic concept than with a non-dual concept. A quite obvious hypothesis for me.
The light recognizes itself in the darkness.
Have we now reached a turning point in our development? We can gradually see through our environment as a thought-creation and as an illusionary dream from which we are slowly - or quickly - awakening.
We are now able to take on a neutral or integral observer role instead of identifying with a good or evil side. We can recognize that we have been playing different roles in a global drama.
In this drama, the "bad guys" ultimately contribute significantly to our learning as humanity to empathize and act lovingly. And we experience the drama simultaneously from the audience benches and as actors on the world stage. A global stage play perhaps, in which we learn LOVE and our oneness with God. Is it perhaps a 3D illusion that helps us to have an integral view?
From this point of view it becomes possible to accept the peace (of God) "that surpasses all understanding". We don't identify ourselves (anymore) with the stage play and our diverse roles, but acknowledge our Oneness in the Light.
Look - forgive - let go
We humans have made many mistakes. And again and again we have condemned and condemned ourselves. Maybe this was even the biggest mistake we made, declaring ourselves unworthy to be a child of God.
Everything is now coming to light. Is it now our task to look together at what our weaknesses or mistakes were and forgive ourselves? Doesn't God always encourage us to correct the flawed path instead of feeling eternally guilty?
Micayon: I would be weaned away forever from the Earth. How can I do it, Master ?
MIRDAD: By loving the Earth and all her children. When Love is the only residue of all your accounts with the Earth, then will the Earth acquit you of her debt.
MikhaÑ—l Naimy, The Book of Mirdad
Can we not turn back from the path of separation at any time?
We were never really separated. Did we think it all up as a mind game or in a dream? Did we invent a fantastic 3D world to experience separation?
Shouldn't we now let go of all the thoughts we ever thought in a small ego role? Especially the thoughts about war, disease, hatred and death? Because isn't everything eternal and LOVE?
Every healing work that touches and transforms our inner being brings us a considerable step closer to inner and - yes - also outer peace.
These articles fit the topic well:
On I just found this - I think - very enlightening article about Trump and his agenda:
"Everything You Need To Know About Trump (But Were Afraid To Admit You Wondered)"
2 days later I found a german translation here: