Embrace - what a beautiful film! Exclusively last night it was shown nationwide and it touched me very deeply.
A women's film with the theme: Just love your body - and yourself - no matter what it looks like.
Or also: When women break down because of their ideal of beauty.
With the help of this film theme, I describe here a loving tightrope walk between beauty and rejuvenation mania on the one hand and pathogenic thoughts on the other.
My facial muscle training
Interesting coincidence: Also yesterday I got a very good book about facial muscle training by Christa Gugler. I bought it with the goal:
Smoothing the skin of my face, which unfortunately had become flabby and even more wrinkled in the course of my purification cure.
Directly after the first facial muscle training I drove to Hameln to the cinema, and already on the drive I felt a special tension between the message of "Embrace" and my rejuvenation activities.
Two mutually exclusive poles? On the one hand striving for rejuvenation and health of the body, on the other hand simply loving it as it is?!
No, for me it is rather - as in the yin-yang symbol - two complementary poles.
As already indicated, the royal road is a tightrope walk between 2 extremes, neither of which comes from the heart or from love.
In both extremes - rejuvenation delusion and pathogenic thoughts - fear is the motor. Fear of not being accepted and loved, fear of loneliness, and also on the other side fear of illness.
Embrace yourself - and your neighbor
In both cases the healing solution is: Free yourself from these social constraints, love yourself as you are! Embrace yourself. Embrace yourself!
The movie "Embrace" invites to love me NOW with all the flaws. With all wrinkles and other "quirks". Even if my intention is still to purify the body and thus rejuvenate.
And I get into the idea that I first have to train the wrinkles away before I publish any video with me.
(Finally, there were other reasons to postpone the video project.)
“Embrace” kommt gerade im richtigen Moment, um mir diesen “Zahn” zu ziehen. Ich bin sofort völlig entspannt, wenn ich an die Video-Aufnahmen denke. Auch die Angst, mich zu versprechen, ebbt deutlich ab. Klasse, wie Nora Schirner am Ende des Trailers einen Versprecher kommentiert! Es tut mir gut, einfach menschlich zu sein, statt einem Ideal nachzueifern, das nur eine Kopfgeburt ist.
My motivation lies beyond the slimming mania
Meine Motivation für diesen Blog liegt jenseits des Schönheits- und Verjüngungs-Wahns. Mein Herz-Projekt ist das Aufzeigen eines befreienden Weges aus jeglicher "disease"from infirmity and dementia. In it is likewise the unequivocal love-yourself-conditionless!
Both the beauty and rejuvenation mania and the belief in "disease" and "Death" These illusions are nothing more than a dream from which we can and should wake up.
As divine souls, we are eternal, safe and healthy. And we can experience ourselves in this way when we awaken from the illusion. When we let go of destructive thought patterns and simply love. ourselves and our neighbors.
These articles fit the topic well: