May is here! And it brings you many things to help you detox effectively. For example, highly nutritious wild herbs.
Maybe you have already fasted a few days before Easter. Now you can - if it suits you - cleanse yourself more deeply with the help of natural raw foods. Step by step you can free yourself from all stored toxins.
Why raw food cure?
Because fruit in particular has an extremely strong detoxifying effect. Because vital trace elements, vitamins and enzymes are more abundant in salads and uncooked vegetables.
Especially by eating wild herbs, you provide your body with everything it needs in a healing way. They provide you with vital, powerful elements that common vegetables today no longer bring.
You can find wild herbs everywhere now. Well - almost everywhere, at least if you live in the country.
Iceberg lettuce or wild herbs -
the difference is immediately noticeable.
Iceberg lettuce may even taste good to you. But you will certainly notice how little nutritional value it has once you eat natural and wild herbs. Pick the blossom with a few leaves of deadnettle and feel its content of valuable, satiating ingredients already while chewing.
Can you experience this with iceberg lettuce? I don't. And if I don't have access to wild herbs right now, I'd a thousand times rather make a salad of spinach or kale leaves.
Especially wild herbs help you to feel really full. Because they give you in large quantities what your body urgently needs.
I myself did a 10-month raw food cure several years ago. Concert. That means lots of fruit and especially wild herbs - without elaborate dressings.
In the process, I lost a noticeable amount of weight. Several toxic substances were also excreted through the skin. A few weeks later, boil-like spots appeared on my face and neck.
Not infrequently, therefore, I was asked whether I was "ill". Since I trusted the cure, I did not let myself be unsettled by such perceptions of others.
Because during the whole time I felt very awake, fit and healthy. Apart from occasional shivering, which I considered at the time to be the result of unheated food.
Is shivering avoidable during the cure?
It is not uncommon for people who try raw foods to experience significant shivering. Maybe a main reason to say goodbye to raw food again.
According to my experiences and the reading of the books of Arnold Ehret the shivering is only indirectly a consequence of the raw food. This is because the intensive detoxification that fruit in particular brings about requires a lot of energy, which the body is often unable to supply sufficiently during the cleansing phase.
Since I had to deal with chills more often later with "normal" nutrition, I opened up to the causes on a spiritual level. I experienced healing, and the chills were gone - even with lots of raw food!
In any case, it is much easier to start a raw food phase in May than in the already cold winter season. As soon as you can accept occasional shivering as a result of a healing cleansing process, you will also learn to lovingly supply your body with warming energy.
Even an occasional heating of food up to approx. 40°C makes it much easier.
The good news is that the shivering stops after a while, once your body has rid itself of most of the toxins. So that you can really experience your raw food cure in joy, instructions and recipe suggestions help you. See below for more information.
Pick and eat directly - a pleasure
Maybe you also have marigolds in your garden, whose orange blossoms decorate every salad and taste super good.
On your next hike through the woods and meadows, just keep an eye out for the herbs you know. From now on you can also add the leaves of hazelnut bushes or birch trees to your assortment of herbs.
Maybe you already have an identification book with you and can discover several new herbs.
All herbs are especially high quality right after picking, so don't be afraid to eat some leaves and flowers while walking: Dandelion, common plantain, girsch, wood sorrel, deadnettle, chickweed, and more.
Book recommendations for your raw food cure
Book recommendations for your raw food cure I have already presented the book Medical Food by Anthony William. In it you will find a 28-day cure, in which you eat exclusively vegan raw food.
Here I recommend two more nice books that will be useful for your raw food experiment:
Very helpful and inspiring for me is Rohvolution by Chantal-Fleur Sandjon, a dedicated Berliner. It provides you with a comprehensive introduction to the topic. You'll find tips for sensible equipment purchases, sources of supply, a 7- and 21-day starter program, and an extensive recipe section for delicious smoothies, snacks, salads, soups, main dishes, and desserts.
Sandjon also shows how you can eat a raw vegan diet without the "deficiency symptoms" that are too often claimed. In detail, she goes into the protein, calcium, iron and vitamin B12 needs.
Without an introductory program, but otherwise with a similar wealth of tips and recipes is also the book "Live Raw around the World" by Mimi Kirk is also recommended.
In addition, of course, there are now a wealth of recipe and introduction books to the raw food, so you will find the one that suits you, won't you?
By the way, I have also decided to do a raw food cure this month.
And the food for the soul?
Of course, our soul is happy when we eat delicious, living and natural food and it also tastes good to us.
In addition, she is probably also pleased when we increasingly refrain from eating industrially produced, artificial and basically dead "food".
And it will certainly blossom when we separate ourselves from toxic thoughts, unloving judgments and destructive beliefs and patterns. If we also cleanse and detoxify ourselves mentally or spiritually.
These articles fit the topic well: