Are you awake now?
Do you feel that you have awakened from the rut of daily illusions? Out of the hamster wheel yet? Life is NOW! Right now you can start to focus your thoughts on health, well-being, vitality and creativity.
The background chatter in our heads likes to distract us from the essentials. Thoughts often go round in circles, processes repeat themselves. Outdated patterns have a blocking effect. Without a heart connection, our thinking usually goes nowhere.
Can we learn to control our thoughts and use them intelligently? Do we have the power to create a different reality?
Yes. we have this power - and have been using it for a long time, mostly unconsciously. What we thought, felt and did in the past created our present reality. Did we wish for this reality - as it is? no, often we want something completely different.
On earth we are learning that we are not victims of external circumstances, but their creators; do you have any idea what consequences this has for you?
I invite you to a little tour, where we look at some elementary laws of life. And you will also find a first overview of some helpful impulses for your journey to yourself. We start and stay in the now.
- Are you living your truth?
- Mind power or mind trap?
- Letting go of the past
- Forgive you now
- Extend your love
- Find out what you really want
- Start impulses
Life is NOW. In order to enjoy it to the fullest, let your past rest and do not stray into the future. Only this moment is real!
Human life is a very difficult school,
until you learn the simple fact,
that your truth is your strength,
your salvation, your fulfillment,
is your goal and your path.
Once you can honestly believe that,
life becomes the happy and rich garden,
than it is intended to be.P, Rodegast / J. Stanton, Emmanuel's book
Are you living your truth?
Do you live them, for example, in your job, in your relationships, in the choice of your environment, in your creative being, in your love?
For me, perhaps the most important truth is: follow your heart! Because only there I find my truth.
Currently, for example, I am ready to give up an interesting secure job. For a long time I held on to my craft and delayed a new direction. Now I confidently dare to step into the unknown. I am looking forward to wonderful opportunities to visualize everything that now wants to come into my life and also to listen more intensively to my heart.
The way of the heart is the only satisfying and easiest way. You know those moments when life feels like surfing a wave? As long as we resist our life's intentions and cling to the past, the flow gets bogged down. That's when trouble is bound to happen.
Mind power or mind trap?
Now we are not necessarily Master in being brave. Rather, it's in being mental. As already said above: The background chatter in our heads likes to distract us from the essentials. Or formulated differently: Every thought prevents us from being truly one with life. With every thought we step out of life and evaluate, define or interpret it.
This dilemma brings Eckhart Tolle impressively to the point in his bestseller The Power of NOW. To really experience life beyond words, it is important to go into silence. Eckhart Tolle presents several portals for accessing inner aliveness. My wonderful experience with the portal "Feeling the energy body" I have described here .
Eckhart Tolles book brings to the fore a quality of our thought world that I would like to call here thought-trap. The more we pursue the chatter of thoughts, the less we are in the now, the less we are one with life.
The Ego Trap
Chatter is essentially the constant fire of our ego. We are stuck in the ego trap when we fall for the often bizarre promptings of our ego. These promptings cause us to have a illusory world Maya, until we finally wake up and realize the truth.
What you see in dreams seems very real. Meanwhile, the Bible says that a deep sleep fell on Adam and nowhere is there any evidence of his awakening. The world has not yet experienced a comprehensive awakening or a comprehensive rebirth.
A Course in Miracles
Wake up from the ego dream and begin to gain control over your thoughts. Only when you no longer let yourself be ruled by thoughts that the ego plays in random mode, can you use your thought power in a positive way. How - I will describe that below.
Letting go of the past
In the beginning, when we were little children, we looked at everything with great amazement - like a miracle. Later we learned to define and judge everything. We adopted beliefs like "Dress warmly or you'll catch cold!" Perhaps our mother had only frozen herself and imagined that we must be cold too.
In addition, we have accumulated many beliefs with the intention of protecting ourselves from unpleasant situations. Our explorer mind gradually shrank into a comfort zone mind.
Now you are new to the Discovery Journey, or you wouldn't be reading this blog, so if you haven't already started: Check your beliefs and throw out all outdated, life-blocking thoughts.
Do you really want to waste the power of your present thoughts by continuing to create the future from the garbage of the past?
Louise Hay, The Power is Within You
Forgive you now
Thoughts from the past are often loaded with resentment, anger, resentment, pain or hatred. As long as we keep them, our lives have a corresponding coloring. We can and should forgive ourselves for this. For this releases bound energy. - I have written a little more about forgiveness here.
You have the choice: You can continue to be angry and suffer. With this you feed destructive spirits like your pain body. You can continue to remain in judgment. Every judgment is a boomerang.
But you can also let go of everything and forgive. With this you enable liberation, healing and an inner peace that gives you pure joy of life. What do you decide?
Extend your love
Forgiveness almost automatically opens your heart. You will find it easier and easier to love yourself and your body. Stay with it. Love yourself now - one hundred percent! Not one percent less! Start to treat yourself to a life in which you simply feel good. In which you blossom with unimagined ease beyond previous limitations to the version of yourself that you already are as a bud!
For you are a beautiful flower
in this garden life!
Without you and your unique scent
the world would be different.
You bring something special,
something that no one else can bring.
Discover your own beauty,
Your own powers, all of which are already there.Jeru Kabbal
Now - as soon as you love yourself unconditionally - your heart can really open: To your partner, to your colleagues, to your environment, and finally to your "enemies". Yes - also them. Here is a little experience of mine:
I once met a man in a self-awareness group who was constantly annoying me with his permanently bad mood. When he, of all people, also started to think negative thoughts during our feel-good weekend "to hurl themselves"I just wanted to get away, go home. At least not let it spoil my weekend.
I noticed, however, that I was probably the only one who was bothered by his talking. I let myself be persuaded to at least join in the free dancing. And while dancing, I unexpectedly came into healing contact with a very similar situation that had annoyed me tremendously as a child. And immediately the man's mood became a gift to me.
It was very liberating for both of us, and we became friends!
On the next page you will find the chapters