You surely think it's possible that you can live entirely out of INNER FORCE. Why we still often do not succeed and we sometimes even behave as energy robbers, I describe in this article.
- What do we do when we cannot feel the FORCE?
- And how can the FORCE in us be effective and available?
Let's be honest: Are you really aware that THE FORCE is always with you - yes, always IN YOU? Even now? Even when you feel powerless?
Probably not, right? I, for one, forget it in certain situations.
But we can always remind each other of the power within us and help us to accept it.
Recognize obstacles and old patterns and throw them overboard
Why are we rarely aware of this FORCE and too often still look for it in the outside? What do we humans usually do when we don't know what power is inside us?
I invite you to take a closer look at the old patterns and hindering influences described here. Compare them with your situation and then let go of everything that should no longer belong to you.
Here is a personal experience:
During a healing seminar in Hamburg I made 2 amazing experiences, about my dance experience read in this video Here's the second one:
Adam, the teacher, works with movement as a means to make visible what prevents us from being healthy and vital. At some point it is my turn to stand alone in the middle.
"Just move, Rainer, move as you please" Adam asks me nicely.
So I start to take a few steps, watch out for the creaking of the floor and...
"Do you know, Rainer, what you are doing all the time?" suddenly his question comes up.
"Well, I'm walking on the floor here, and it creaks..."
"You're bringing all attention on the people sitting around here, and you're draining energy from them!"
"What am I doing?" - "You're robbing them of energy!
- Rainer, what do you think about focusing your attention on yourself instead?"
Still quite irritated by his assertion I follow this suggestion. Perhaps it is also because of his love-power, which is present in the room - in any case, I am suddenly directly connected with my High Self in its essence and power and cry with happiness. It is simply great! Yes, it is SIMPLE and GREAT in this moment.
I enjoy the moment as long as I allow myself to (not very long !) and then I look at those present radiantly. And I know: now I can GIVE THEM energy! And they gladly accept it. I can clearly feel the difference to before.
Energy theft
So how do I usually live when I am not in ME, in my essence?
I try to get energy from the outside without being aware of it. From somewhere.
I tap into other people. Fix my gaze on them - expecting, judging, "giving". Yes, I can think I am giving to my counterpart, and in reality I am tapping into their energy.
I do not succeed in this only by putting myself on a pedestal, lecturing and judging from above, by defining my "greatness" with its "neediness."
No, also as a "poor me", as a victim I manage to suck energy from others, to attract attention. E.g. by talking again and again about "my illness", from which I "suffer". By generating pity and attention.
Or I'm a control freak who interferes in the lives of others in a controlling way.
I can dominate the family even as a child, with the help of tantrums, nagging, crying fits or other tricks.
In meetings, I can rob energy in the form of speaking time as a continuous speaker.
And and and and...
Yes, we humans have developed countless methods of energy robbery. And most of them work very subtly and so subliminally that we hardly notice it. Especially in our western communication "culture" this robbery sometimes drives the strangest blossoms. By the way, the topic "energy robbery" is also discussed in the "Prophecies of Celestine" highlighted as an important finding.
Energy Search
We try to get life-energy from somewhere because we are not aware that all power resides within us and that lack of energy is imagination.
All kinds of substances are supposed to energize us. We often simply fight our tiredness with "wake-up drugs".
We drink coffee"to become awake". Perhaps now is the time to consciously accept tiredness and understand its message:
Maybe it's saying goodbye to boredom and awakening our spiritual selves now.
It is almost crazy that we eat all kinds of substances and still feel deprived. We eat way too much without ever really getting full. Read about this in this article.
We are really often looking for energy just where it is not , or even where we are losing energy.
The electronic energy robbers
First, second and third in the list of energy robbers are the electronic media. More precisely: the beings that want to control us electronically and have mostly done this very successfully so far.
To avoid manipulation and energy robbery, it is advisable to do without television and radio altogether. I have even managed to do that quite well: I haven't had a TV for 40 years and only a car radio that I almost never use.
So what about computers and smartphones? Only seemingly different: we can use them actively, while the TV turns us into passive "couch potatoes". Yet at the same time they are instruments of far-reaching control and equalization.
At times, I let myself be taken in by the strong pull of computers. And what I often found oppressive was my powerlessness in the face of this pull.
It was no problem for me to free myself from the television. On the other hand, I totally underestimated the manipulative power of the PC!
The positive thing about it is: In this way I have intensively experienced the most effective control instrument of the "dark team". And I have discovered: To free yourself from it is just as possible and basically simple.
"Burn out"
For very many people, the so-called "burn-out syndrome" is a serious and impressive phenomenon. It is interpreted as a consequence of overwork and exhaustion. And as fatigue of our "body power plant". For me this explanation does not quite fit. Because first of all I assume that we have unlimited energy at our disposal. Therefore, we basically cannot burn out.
What is "burn out" then? A temporary imbalance, such as Eckhart Tolle ,? We do not experience "burn out" if we are convinced of the boundless permanent energy influx.
As long as we live ego-driven, this boundless inflow of energy remains hidden from us.
Our ego actually manages to make us spend ourselves completely until nothing works anymore.
Sometimes also our high self throttles the energy inflow. In this way it makes clear that a change of direction, a pause for breath or another focus is urgently called for!
Our High Self makes sure that we follow a larger life plan that offers us certain important learning tasks. Since the "autopilot" of our ego often keeps us running in directions that no longer fit this plan at all, emergency brakes are sometimes applied.
For example, I experienced three serious construction accidents in quick succession, which made it clear to me that craftsmanship is not my life's work.
Another possible reason for fatigue and listlessness is the influence of invisible energy robbers in our system:
Attachments and occupations
Almost infinite thoughts are constantly buzzing in our head. And they are not produced by us in the brain, but received there. Our physical brain is more of a receiving station. Thoughts originate and flow on a non-physical mental level.
As soon as thoughts are thought collectively, they gain greater power. You have surely already experienced the power of beliefs yourself. If e.g. a big community believes in "devils", it forms from it even autonomously working spirit beings. These thought-energies are also called "Elementals". They develop a certain life of their own and can also influence us negatively.
Touching the souls of the deceased
Often souls of the deceased play a role on this level, and more often than we might suspect. I myself have come into contact with such souls several times and was often able to persuade them to go home into the light. They are souls who did not want to go into the light when leaving the body, mostly because of too strong attachments to the material existence and to their relatives. Self-condemnations are also a frequent obstacle to going into the light.
As a rule, these stuck souls behave parasitically. They use incarnated souls as vehicles for their desires for experience and in this way drain energy from us. Perhaps you have also asked yourself from time to time what "just got you"?
What you can recognize attachments and occupations by, I have found under FAQs here .
This topic will be explored in more depth in the future. Read also this article. I would like to emphasize here that "burn-out"-like energy dips are very often co-caused by adhering spirit beings. Read also under FAQs the answer to the question Where are the causes of "diseases"?
Our emotional pain body
Energy robbing is only possible if we are open for it. If we have an inner resonance surface for the corresponding vibrations. This resonance surface is for example our pain body.
Eckhart Tolle writes about it:
As long as you cannot access the power of the present, emotional injuries that happen to you will leave a residual pain that lives on in you. It mixes with old pain that is already there and gets stuck in your mind and body. This, of course, includes the pain you suffered as a child, caused by the unconsciousness of the world into which you were born.
This accumulation of pain is a negative energy field that occupies your body and mind. If you think of it as an invisible being with its own personality, then you are getting pretty close to the truth. This is the emotional pain body.
Your pain body feeds off of negative emotions. When you argue with someone, it's basically the argument between your pain bodies. In addition, it may be a demonic force that also feeds off these emotions and is "riding" both of you.
To be able to release yourself from this energy-sucking situation, it needs your presence and your humorous composure. Because as the saying goes: a laugh will defeat them!
The source of life is the source of your energy
Everything is completely different when we live every moment heart-driven and aware of always having enough energy. Instead of being tense and overwhelmed, we can just joyfully surf the wave of life!
You are ALWAYS connected to the source of life, even if you are convinced of the opposite. And this source loves you and nourishes you with energy at every turn.
What may be going on in our head cinema is completely irrelevant. We are connected to an inexhaustible source of power.
Do you feel powerless and "sick"? Then nevertheless trust the POWER WITHIN YOU and allow it to lead you to the causes of the "illness".
Where you have spent your energy so far, and how you can get it back, is described by Robert Scheinfeld in his book Busting Loose From the Money Game. Read also here.
The previous role of our EGO is resistance to LIFE.
The ego justifies the necessity of resistance with the assertion that one must not "just let life run its course". This would "end in a catastrophe". The ego condemns life as the cause of experienced suffering and consciously blanks out its own responsibility - "guilt".
Contrary to our ego's conviction, a spirited YES to life resolves all problems. Consequently, the ego perceives this YES as life-threatening. Because it must completely step back from any control and domination. See also the Ferrini quote in the sidebar here.
You can read more about understanding the ego in this article.
It is important to be fully present.
We don't need to be energy robbers. However, we should always pay attention to being fully present. With the help of our attention we can heal ourselves from all "diseases". In this way, we can also recognize and release our negative pain bodies or adhering foreign energies.
This is what we are learning right now - individually and also collectively. Very gradually in small steps, or very quickly. It's up to you. Here or in other articles of this blog for rejuvenation and health you will find some starting impulses.
We liberate and transform ourselves by learning to live from the Inner Power now. Yes, this is real FREEDOM, which you may - I hope - be able to sense and even feel right now.
In free decision we give ourselves to the POWER that comes from the Source. And thereby we become this POWER.
This turning to the source is not a one-time act, but a process.
I invite you to be actively involved in this self-liberation process, which we all basically walk together. We can't go without our brother and sister, can we?
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