An interim report.
Exactly 7 years ago I started this blog with the topic "You can rejuvenate instead of aging".
And a few days ago, I wrote the article "Hurray: Back pain is now a thing of the past", in which I enthusiastically describe the end of years of back problems.
For me, it is a current, concrete example of a really successful physical rejuvenation:
In fact, I now feel several years younger and much, much looser. I can move much more easily again without my back hurting. And I have lost 6 kg in a very short time.
A nice occasion for a small interim report.
- How does such rejuvenation succeed?
- "The finger grows back."
- Role models enhance our understanding.
- Your body - a mirror of past thoughts
- The secret idol
- What is the truth?
- Exotic content only for a minority?
- What are the most read articles?
- Has there been a change of direction in blog articles?
- Do I consistently follow my own recommendations?
- My current intentions
- Many thanks to all readers!
How does such rejuvenation succeed?
In any case, it involves being completely convinced of success. And that is sometimes easier said than done! As for my back, it took almost four years to heal! But a kind of basic confidence has always been alive in me. Also, it was certainly goal-promoting to leave the comfort zone and everyday routine mentally and physically more often. To open up, even to surrender to the - still - unknown.
What is possible? Again and again I stumbled over the corset-like definitions of the established "science", what is possible or impossible. For example, medical doctors label some "diseases" as "incurable" just because they lack the knowledge of the art of healing. They speak of "wear and tear of the intervertebral discs" and "signs of old age" without having the primary causes on the screen, let alone a functioning way of healing.
For a long time I have been convinced with Bruno Gröning : There is no incurable disease, but there are incurable people. That really EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE is also shown by Jan van Helsing in his book "Die Kinder des neuen Jahrtausends" with several examples.
"The finger grows back."
On page 63f van Helsing writes:
Ten years ago I met a teacher in New Zealand who told me a similar story.
A little girl had cut off half of her finger while doing handicrafts at school. After the child was in the hospital and came back to school a few days later, the teacher pulled the little girl to her side and spoke to her very confidentially. She explained to the girl that the finger would grow back, but only if she didn't tell anyone else. The teacher swore her in that this was her very personal secret and must not be told to anyone. And what happened?
The finger grew back within two years.
Why had the teacher required the girl not to tell anyone else? Because the reaction of other people to the girl's belief that the finger would grow back would have been influential, if not devastating.
The adults or the other children would have said that a finger cannot grow back, and the girl herself might not have believed it anymore.
But the firm belief in it is the prerequisite for it to work. One must be convinced of it. Any doubt can have devastating consequences.
Role models enhance our understanding.
What does it take to become convinced that even limbs can grow back or "incurables" can be healed? In any case, some true examples and role models, right?
13 years ago I was fascinated by the story of Clemens Kuby, who healed himself from paraplegia with the help of his power of thought. Dr. Joe Dispenza also managed to heal his broken vertebrae with intense thought. Both Kuby and Dispenza have since devoted themselves to the art of healing. Joe Dispenza was able to work out with scientific research that we can do everything with our thoughts.
The power of thought! The more I found out about this topic, the clearer it became to me how centrally important our thoughts are in everything. So over time it got the most focus in my blog. Louise Hay writes in her book Heal your body, which by the way has sold over 30 million copies (!) worldwide:
Each of us is 100% responsible for each of our own experiences. We ourselves cause every so-called 'disease' in our body.
And in another place she asks:
Do you really want to waste the power of your present thoughts by continuing to create the future from the garbage of the past?
Your body - a mirror of past thoughts
For me, our body is basically a direct expression of thoughts from the past. Thus, according to Louise Hay, it unfortunately also often reflects the garbage of past thoughts.
What does this garbage consist of?
It is actually all thoughts and beliefs that are not in harmony with the divine truth or even destructive. Just also all thoughts which ascribe to every "illness" an "objective" physical reality which is difficult to overcome!
The more I occupied myself with all facets of the extensive field of healing science, the clearer one thing became to me: I was about to direct most of my thoughts to exactly that what I did NOT want: to "illness"!
The secret idol
Haven't most doctors and alternative practitioners imposed exactly this basically bleak fate on themselves? Is not "illness" their secret idol from morning till night?
“A Course in Miracles" makes it impressively clear: It is of no use at all to study madness in all its details. Because this does not reveal any truth. Every form of "illness" is part of this madness in different disguises. The way to true healing is known and shown by the Holy Spirit or the Christ consciousness within us.
By the way, the decision to shift my focus to the divine truth instead of the madness was very easy for me. Easier, in fact, than staying consistent with it.
Since then, this blog has served to find and share my current truth.
What is the truth?
For me, the truth in its essence is the Divine Will to let us humans grow and blossom into a perfect creature and co-creator, endowed with perfect health and vitality.
I am also convinced that we have been living or learning in a kind of dream world for a long time and are collectively on the verge of awakening. We allow ourselves to dream a world in which there is also war and "illness" - and separation from the Divine Source.
With my limited day consciousness I recognize truth in probably rather limited extent. But in being connected with the Divine SOURCE, HER TRUTH opens up more and more, perceptible for all people.
Every contradiction we encounter in our search for this truth, we can use as a welcome opportunity to review previous beliefs.
Thus, at irregular intervals, I read older blog articles once in a while and correct them if necessary. Some texts touch me exactly where I have temporarily left the described path due to inconsistency or carelessness. They help me to come back into harmony.
However, I have become very aware that my preference for pure Spiritual Healing finds spontaneous resonance with relatively few people. Also that the primary causes of "illness" are ALWAYS to be found in the spiritual or on the soul level, is apparently for most not so easily a universal truth.
Exotic content only for a minority?
So this blog seems to have a rather manageable number of interested people. I have often wished that more lively exchange happens via the comment function. Unfortunately, this has not been the case so far. Every now and then the question comes to my mind whether the blog is perhaps mainly intended for myself. Like a spiritual diary?
Exactly when I asked myself logically whether it makes then at all sense to continue it, I got on the same day an answer from the universe: I received a mail of a grateful reader with the statement, the blog would be a precious and encouraging enrichment for the whole family! An indirect, very nice invitation to just keep going, isn't it? It touched me very much.
Regardless of how many readers this blog may have, the thoughts shared and published flow into the "new field of consciousness" that more and more replaces the outdated destructive field. New, unfamiliar thoughts may often seem too exotic at first. But they can prove themselves in this field or be corrected.
What are the most read articles?
In first place is an article about books by Anthony William, followed by Stefan Lanka says: There are no "viruses"..
Here is the list of the 11 most read articles:
Has there been a change of direction in blog articles?
Yes. After I had published a few articles on global political issues, I became increasingly aware that they conveyed a lot of negativity. I had not intended that at all, especially since I am very confident to be able to witness relatively soon worldwide, great changes for the better.
But just pointing out current grievances had the effect of somehow sticking to them and forwarding their inherent negative charge instead of lovingly creating something completely new free of it.
For me it seemed to be significant over the last years to deal intensively with world politics as the shadow side of being human. But at some point I realized more and more that it only kept me unnecessarily trapped in old wallpapers and suppressed the oneness with my divine self.
So it was only a logical and small step to delete the corresponding articles and to orientate myself much more than before towards the divine truth. An exceedingly salutary truth, which is obviously imperishable and creative - in contrast to worldly events.
Do I consistently follow my own recommendations?
No. Too often, unfortunately, not. I honestly admit that. But I am convinced of their inner truth and have long since stopped condemning myself for occasional inconsistency. Rather, I feel guided - even over thin ice and swampy ground.
An example: During my winter genealogical research, I went to a Baltic seaside resort last November. In the restaurant, I was overcome by the urge to order a fish dish. It almost seemed to me as if this was prompted by a soul connection, however effective, with my seafaring great-great-grandfather.
To this day, I have continued to eat the occasional non-vegan food with the intention of returning to a vegan diet.
Further, I notice that at present I almost never bless my food and give it the loving attention it deserves.
Also, in between times, I have lost motivation to consciously and lovingly meet with the divine High Self within me in silence on a daily basis. I noticed that up to now very often adversary forces were active in me, which successfully disturbed or even prevented the going into stillness and conscious eating.
But I trust that exactly this back and forth through the labyrinth of life contributes to development and blossoming. And I am grateful for everything I encounter. Is it not a gift every time?
One that I first have to unwrap in order to actually recognize it as a gift?
My current intentions
What, then, is the gift of my current disharmonious, unloving diet? After the unpacking I became conscious that it has to do directly with the disharmonious mental food: Intensive occupation with a "Plandemie" and generally world politics.
My intention 1: I would like to dare a tightrope walk. I want to discover like a child the magnificence of the divine creation anew and marveling - every day. But at the same time, I want to avoid crawling away to a "perfect world island".
Intention 2: I really want to learn to eat in a loving way. Mindfully, slowly and moderately. I also want to eat only what is really good for me.
Intention 3: Encouraged by the healing of the back, I want to come to control the body with the mind and thus manifest further healing and rejuvenation.
Intention 4: I want to give at least one hour a day to the Divine Self. My role model: Rabia, the famous Sufi mystic.
Intention 5: I will honestly report my successes and failures in this blog.
I am happy if you can discover something helpful for you in one or the other blog post, even if it is simply to clarify your own truth.
So now it remains for me to say this:
Many thanks to all readers!
Whether you also write a comment soon, or leave it at simply reading and browsing the blog to find some useful suggestions for your healing path - I thank you very much for your interest.
It is not only through this interest that we are connected to each other in many ways. Do we not contribute together through our very own experiences to molt us individually and also collectively into the divine beings that we have always been in truth?
These articles fit the topic well:
Lieber Rainer ich freue mich imer über deine wunderbaren Beiträge ich bin gerade wieder in einer Situation der Heilung und da kommt dieser Beitrag wieder zur richtigen Zeit.Heute ist ein glücklicher und zufriedener Tag für mich. Ich hatte vor einiger Zeit ein DHS ( Dr. Hamer Neue Medizin ) ich konnte im Gespräch mit zwei lieben menschen und deinen Beitrag in mir wieder etwas zu verändern wir sint alle eins, ich danke dir von Herzen.
Herzlichen Dank, lieber Klaus. Ich freue mich, dass auch bei Dir Heilung geschieht! Wahrhaftige Heilung.
Ja, und da wir alle miteinander verbunden sind, werden die heilung-bringenden Informationen das neue Bewußtseinsfeld prägen.
Jetzt fällt mir noch was ein: könntest du im Nachhinein sagen, welchen alten Gedanken *oder vielleicht auch mehrere?) du losgelassen hast, um zur Heilung deines Rückens zu kommen? Und wie du darauf gekommen bist, dass es eben DIESE/R Gedanke/n war/en, der/die bis dahin die Heilung verhindert hatte/n?😊
Danke, liebe Anka, für Deine Kommentare. Ja, ich erinnere mich an Deinen YT-Kanal über basische Ernährung. Zu Deiner Frage, welche alten Gedanken ich losgelassen habe: In diesem Fall geschah die Heilung in meiner Wahrnehmung ohne bewußtes Loslassen bestimmter Gedanken. Im Grunde also einfach, weil ich darauf vertraut habe. Und der Auslöser war, wie ich im letzten Artikel schrieb, eine pflanzliche Droge, die mir ein Schamane gab. In dem älteren Artikel “Heilung finden zwischen Himmel und Erde” ging ich der Frage nach den geistigen Ursachen nach. Zumindest habe ich also zum Zeitpunkt der Heilung bereits ein Bewußtsein von möglichen verursachenden Einflüssen… Read more "
Hi Rainer, schön, mal wieder von dir zu lesen! Da habe ich auch richtig Lust, einen Kommentar zu schreiben. Eigentlich sind es vorrangig drei Gedanken, die mir dazu kamen: erstens: ich habe mich eine Zeit lang auch mit der Frage beschäftigt, ob es nun Viren gibt oder nicht. Seit ich in einem Artikel von Seth (gechannelt von Jane Roberts, den ich schon lange sehr schätze) gelesen habe, dass es sie durchaus gibt, hat sich diese Frage eigentlich für mich beantwortet. Allerdings sagt er auch, dass sie nur dann unangenehm für uns werden können, wenn wir sie aus ihren Nischen aufstören,… Read more "