Medicine is the first threat to health.
Ivan Illich.
Medicine does more harm than good.
This is what radiologist Gerd Reuther, MD, claims. In his book "Heilung Nebensache" he writes:
"The goal [of medicine] is an army of the chronically ill - too healthy to die, but too sick to live blithely medicine-free."
Reuther uses history from the beginnings of medicine to show that its driving force has almost never been the pursuit of healing.
It has long been more of a business model at the expense of the people who entrust themselves to it. It is therefore not surprising that "Therapeutic harms are the most common causes of disease ".
In "A Course in Miracles" there is the statement that it is of no use to study madness in all its details. Because this does not reveal any truth.
I was therefore hesitant to review Reuther's book on medical insanity.
Basically, you can just go with the Potcast interview below.
Still, I think it's useful to take a quick look at the book's contents and point out what escapes Reuther's gaze.
- The end of conventional medicine
- Vaccinations harm us.
- The Media-Driven "Plandemia"
- Homeopathy, placebo and self-healing
- The causes of "disease"
- How can healing happen?
The end of conventional medicine
It is high time that the building of medicine is dissected and torn down, as it were, from the inside, by doctors with doctorates.
In any case, the focus of this blog is somewhere else, namely where really Cure is to be found instead of combating symptoms. Also the Vision of a future medicine with advanced technology and wisdom I like to address.
The history of European medicine presented by Reuther, however, may be interesting enough for some, as it provides many details. However, I do not want to go into the details here. Instead, I recommend you his interview with Eva Schmidt in the Radio Munich.
All the key messages of the book are addressed succinctly but clearly:
This video is only available in German.
Gerd Reuther is not the first author to attack and criticize medicine head-on in its entirety. As early as 1975, Ivan Illich, with his book "Medical Nemesis" sharply criticized conventional medicine.
Vaccinations harm us.
Reuther updates this critique, in which he also comments on the artificial "corona plandemia."
He generally values "vaccinations" as harmful.
At the same time, he also points out that epidemics of the past often only became so deadly because of medical interventions.
Where there were fewer doctors, there were fewer deaths.
And he exposes the claimed success of vaccinations as a misinterpretation. All epidemics were already on the wane anyway, due to social and hygienic changes.
Dr. Gerhard Buchwald already dealt with this in detail many years ago in his book "Vaccination - A Business based on Fear".
Reuther lets many - mostly long dead - colleagues have their say. I am a bit surprised that he does not mention the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka.
Perhaps he is not entirely comfortable with its conclusion - There are no "viruses". Too bad.
At least he lets it be known that he does not think much of vaccinations in general.
The Media-Driven "Plandemia"
Reuther writes in his book that the media-driven "Plandemie" has staged "diseases".
Today, the claim that the "Corona Wave" was caused by sick bats is no longer tenable.
It remains unclear whether toxic "bioweapons" produced at the Wuhan lab were released into the environment in significant quantities in early 2020.
And it is also rather unlikely that such substances can spread "virally" at all.
After all, they are not mobile living beings, as is claimed of the so-called "viruses".
At the very least, it is certain that the mass media are the main contributors to the "viral" spread of "Covid". Similar to some suddenly "going viral" posts in the social networks.
Vor allem durch Falschmeldungen und dem Schüren von Angst sind die üblichen Grippe-Erkrankungen von Medien, Politikern und “Wissenschaftlern” einfach umetikettiert und den Bevölkerungen weltweit als “Corona” verkauft worden.
As a result, there were virtually no records of influenza cases in 2020/21.
Homeopathy, placebo and self-healing
Reuther gets off lightly with homeopathy. He equates it with a placebo treatment. Unlike conventional medicine, homeopathy would at least not do any harm, he summarizes.
I think this point of view is at least interesting. In the course of my life I have taken homeopathic remedies a few times, where I could observe a healing in the aftermath.
But was there really a causal relationship?
For me, the power of thoughts is always dominant. As soon as I put my fullest trust in any healing method, the chance of healing increases considerably. Based on my experience I cannot exclude that homeopathic remedies are "only" placebos.
Placebos are usually judged disparagingly. But don't they contain the very important insight that the positive focus on a remedy and the trust in the practitioner is already enough to set self-healing forces in motion?
For Reuther, the most successful healing treatment of "disease" is, in the final analysis, undisturbed self-healing. The abstinence of any medical intervention. But there are also doctors who promote exactly this self-healing. One of them is Dr. Joe Dispenza. In this article I wrote about his book "You Are The Placebo - Making Your Mind Matter" .
The causes of "disease"
Have you ever wondered why the medical profession relatively rarely researches the primary causes of "disease"?
It treats physical "diseases" as enemies that must be "defeated" surgically or by pharmaceutical means. Although "viruses" and poisons are certainly named as causes, these terms usually obscure the real causes.
The oncologist Lothar Hirneise thinks that poisons hardly play a role compared to psychological causes. Dr. Hamer also confirms this with his "New medicine“.
Yet it is obvious to know the primary psychological causes in order to really bring about healing.
Reuther also complains that medicine does not conduct proper causal research for "diseases."
In his historical overview, he refers to various causes, such as lack of hygiene, contaminated water, malnutrition, poisoning, and precisely poisoning, disease-causing medicine.
In his book, he does not elaborate on psychological causes.
As I always emphasize in this blog, for me the primary causes are always on the spiritual, soul or psychological level.
Those who are "sick" have often walked a path for years that has led to this very situation.
Nothing happens by chance.
Very often, fears as well as the lack of lived joy of life, fulfillment and love to impairments of the physical body.
A special case are the medical "death sentences" in the form of diagnoses. These can immediately bring the life force of the ill person to a standstill. Read also here.
How can healing happen?
For Reuther, undisturbed self-healing is the most successful, indeed almost the only healing method. His book is accordingly a reckoning with any medical intervention.
He judges natural healers mildly, because they would do much less harm. The healing water of Lourdes is a placebo for him.
However, for me Reuther does the calculation without the host. He does not seem to think or believe in the essential component of healing experiences:
Which force then actively brings about self-healing?
It is the indwelling Divine Life Force and Wisdom.
Some people were and are so intensely connected to this power that they also bring about healing in other people.
An outstanding example of this was Bruno Gröning, who in the 1950s brought about mass healings by pouring divine healing power into war-wounded and sick people.
Also the "Magus of Strovolos" was a gifted great healer on Cyprus, to whom I dedicated this article about elementals .
Once you yourself are aware of this inherent power and call upon it, self-healing can also occur on a larger scale.
However, since we are often not immediately aware of the causes of illnesses, it is advantageous to seek help through appropriate accompaniment.
Self-healing happens when you are open to it and let your heart guide you.
ANY "disease" is curable. By surrendering to the SOURCE of health and lovingly serving it. Wherever you are at the moment.
The famous Sufi mystic Rabia said accordingly:
In truth, there is only one disease: being separated from the source.
Therefore I know only one desire: to be one with the Source,
and only one prayer: Your will be done!
These articles fit the topic well: