How our emitted thought-images rule us.
Did you already realize that so-called "elementals" are images emitted by us? Images with positive or negative charge? The more often and more intensively we send them out, the more effective they are. Also finally backwards for or against us.
So far, I have not given much importance to the elementals. For me it was mainly about the effect of beliefs and thought patterns.
Then I read about these often unnoticed elementals in more detail in the book The Magus of Strovolos. And realized more and more to what great extent elementals can control us.
This highly recommended book about the great master and healer Dascalos on Cyprus broadened my horizon considerably. Not only with regard to the elementals, to which I dedicate this article, but on the subject of healing in general.
- Introduction
- The difference to belief-sets
- Power of the elementals
- Angelic or demonic
- Defense against healing and power for healing
- More book topics
Elements such as hydrogen or oxygen are considered to be the basic building blocks of matter. Accordingly, for Dascalos, the elementals are the etheric spiritual basic material of both individuals and universes. He states:
"The pages in our Book of Incarnations [Akasha] are not dead leaves, but living elementals"....
"Elementals have their own life, like any other living being; they can have an existence independent of their producer, that is, the one who sent them out. Every thought and feeling that one emits is an elemental."
The with conscious Power of Thought generated elementals are stronger and more long-lasting for Dascalos than those created by spontaneous feelings.
All elementals, following a law of nature, must one day return to the subconsciousness of their producer. Exactly this is the precondition and basis of the Law of Karma, says Dascalos. For him, therefore, "all diseases are caused by karma".
Our personality along with its environment is "the sum of the elementals we have generated since we descended into the three-dimensional world and entered the cycle of incarnations."
Not infrequently, elementals thereby dominate our lives in a way that is often even very dominating.
The difference to belief-sets
As already mentioned, my focus so far has been more on the effects of beliefs and thought patterns. Related to this, I have also assumed that we simply need to let go of old, obstructive beliefs in order to be free for the new.
We can gradually invalidate an elemental with calm indifference, but it is charged with thoughts that we often send out into the universe several times.
And this charge comes back to us at some point. Either for a new round by reinforcing it by sending it out again, or at least to confront us with its essence. Here we are dealing with karmic laws. Conscious letting go is often not enough.
Dascalos could see when karma can be resolved. Often, however, "the time is not yet right". Then it needs patience and support from strong people who are willing to share the karmic burden until it is resolved. Or it needs the divine grace.
Power of the elementals
Every thought elemental that we send out returns to us amplified, in the positive as well as in the negative. The same applies to our feelings.Â
This can lead, for example, to strong addictive behavior. Or to violent encounters that confront us with the very hatred we had previously emitted.
For example, hate elementals, after bouncing off the recipient's aura, come back to us with "sevenfold power."
Dascalos makes it clear that we cannot fight such negative unwanted elements. They form our karma, from which we cannot easily free ourselves. It would take the same power to evade their influence "as that with which we endowed the elemental."
That is why it is so important to always pay attention to what we are really sending out in everything. Whether in thoughts, words or deeds.
Very aptly the way to master the power of the elementals is also described in the Book of Mirdad :
The path to liberation
Mirdad: This is the path to liberation from worry and suffering:
So think as if your every thought were to be etched in fire upon the sky for all and everything to see, for so, in truth, it is.
So speak as if the world entire were but a single ear intent on hearing what you say. And so, in truth, it is.
So do as if your every deed were to recoil upon your heads. And so, in truth, it does.
So wish as if you were the wish. And so, in truth, you are.
So live as if your god Himself had need of you His life to live. And so, in truth, He does.
Mikhail Naimy, The Book of Mirdad
Angelic or demonic
What are the basic properties of elementals? Through what do they become adversary forces or even self-destructive? When are they beneficial light emanations?
Dascalos gives some answers in the book. For example:
"The elementals created by human beings are either angelic or demonic. Man has the freedom to create both types. An archangel, on the other hand, can only create angelic elementals - with the exception of Lucifer, who can only create demons."
What exactly does Dascalos mean here by "angelic" elementals?
Generally speaking, we can create loving, healing and empowering elementals, even angelic beings. In the book, for example, he describes the creation of a ball of white light, which can be charged with healing power and sent to a person in need.
By now we know only too well that we humans can also create demons and have done so too often so far. By having polar experiences with the effects of "good" and "evil", we finally get to know the essence of the divine creation and the goodness of the Creator.
The great thing about this is that we can eventually internalize this goodness and thus become a loving co-creator.
Defense against healing and power for healing
Elementals, as internalized and broadcast beliefs, are often a major contributor to our inability to access our healing.
What are these beliefs that can mobilize a powerful defense against any healing? They are often based on self-judgments, life fatigue or doctor diagnoses. Dr. Joe Dispenza rightly asks:Â
Is medical diagnosis becoming the voodoo curse of modernity?
Dascalos, on the other hand, very often created healing elementals from light, which he sent to his patients. These are, for example, balls of white light, or also - in the case of cancer - of violet light.
These healing elementals can be manifested within the patient's body to initiate healing in the necessary places. They can also envelope the body to work until the healing is complete. Dascalos was extremely successful with this throughout his life.
As a great master of the art of healing, he had an accurate picture of the anatomy. And he was able to apply the necessary concentration to produce a sufficiently large healing power.Â
In the book you will find some hints on how to acquire these skills little by little.
More book topics
Even though the theme of "elementals" occupies a larger space in the book, there are also some exciting episodes on other topics. For example, about rebirth, the liberation from "malignant occupations", about levitation and travel to distant places initiated by thought power.
Dascalos says that the future is indeterminate, because of the principle of freedom. In this respect, there would be no predetermination of our destiny, apart from the framework of the creation in which we live.
It must not remain unmentioned that this gifted serving master gathered around himself an "inner circle" of disciples. He let himself be guided mainly by the master-soul, which was incarnated as John during the lifetime of Jesus.
For me, Dascalos is certainly one of the truly advanced great masters who serve humanity in a loving and powerful way.
Read also this articlein which I present some of these great masters and their extraordinary abilities.
These articles fit the topic well:
Vielen Dank für die Aufklärung über Elementale. Weshalb haben wir davon keine Kenntnis? Ich habe da zwar vor einigen Jahren mal von gehört, doch es nicht weiter verfolgt. Ich bin nun fast 63 Jahre alt, und darf jetzt erst erfahren, wie viel verbrannte Erde ich in meinem Leben hinterlassen habe.😠1.) durch den Kurs in Wundern, 2.) durch Ihre Aufklärung über die Elementale. Da muss man sich wirklich nicht wundern, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist, da die Mehrheit der Menschheit nicht bereit ist Projektion und Verleugnung auf zu geben, und sich die eigenen Leichen im Keller an zu… Read more "
Ja in der Tat. Zum Glück gibt es das Werkzeug der Vergebung, mit dem wir die “verbrannte Erde” auch jetzt heilen können.
Gerade las ich zum 4. (und sicherlich nicht zum letzten) Mal das wundervolle Buch “Dying to be ME“. Anita Moorjani schildert darin ihr Nahtoderlebnis und damit auch ihr Erwachen aus dem Traum. Mit weitreichenden Folgen für die veränderte Zeit danach. Ich empfehle Ihnen dringend dieses überaus heilsame Buch!
Danke für die Buchempfehlung; ich las es vor einigen Jahren und war sehr beeindruckt. Ähnlichkeit hat es vom Inhalt her mit dem Buch: “Licht am Ende des Lebens”. Die essentielle Frage Jesu war: was hast du mit deinem Leben gemacht, (wobei nicht die Taten gemeint sind), und wie viel hast du geliebt???????????? Leider habe ich nicht viel geliebt……… Daher kam der Kurs, der Eingeweihte, das wiedergefundene Licht; und ich habe noch einige tolle Bücher auf Ihrer Seite entdeckt. Im Augenblick lese ich unter anderem den “Eingeweihten”. Die Verwandlung Antonius berührt mich sehr, und ich glaube, dass dies unser Job hier… Read more "
Was bedeutet eigentlich “Leider habe ich nicht viel geliebt…”? Eine essentielle Geschichte ist eher die vom verlorenen Sohn. Wenn wir zu Gott (Quelle, Allah, Tao…) zurückkehren, freuen sich alle mit uns! Es ist dafür (= wieder in der Liebe zu sein) nie zu spät, und wir sollten uns auf KEINEN FALL verurteilen, von diesem oder jenem zu viel oder zu wenig getan zu haben… Kennen Sie das Buch “Denn Christus lebt in jedem von euch” von Paul Ferrini? Es ist eine wunderschöne zeitnähere Kurzfassung vom Kurs in Wundern. Da spielt die Geschichte vom verlorenen Sohn auch eine Rolle. Sehr zu… Read more "
Damit war gemeint, dass ich aus verschiedenen Gründen meinen Brüdern Liebe vorenthalten habe. Dass ich nicht viel geliebt habe sollte nicht den Anschein einer Selbstanklage erheben, sondern lediglich eine selbstreflektierte Feststellung gewesen sein. Ich habe es erkannt, und bin nun dabei, dies zu ändern; und es ist soooo wunderbar, diese Veränderungen Selbst zu erfahren. Zu lieben ist tatsächlich das höchste Ziel. Ja, auch dieses Buch von Ferrini kenne ich, wobei es schon einige Jahre her ist, als ich es gelesen habe, und ich mich nur noch dunkel an den Inhalt erinnere. Gestern ist mir bewusst geworden, dass Bücher lesen, auch… Read more "
Ist das Lesen von Büchern eine Sucht? Danke! Gute Frage und Stoff für den nächsten Artikel…
Meiner Meinung nach schon.
Es hält uns von uns Selbst ab.
Es verhindert, dass wir die Wahrheit in uns Selbst finden.
Jeder Autor schreibt in der Regel mit seinem Ego, mit seinem “Wissen”, seinen Erfahrungen, seiner Wahrnehmung, seiner “Wahrheit”.
Wie kann das wahr sein?
Bitte richtig verstehen: ich liebe spirituelle Bücher, die meinen geistigen Horizont erweitern, doch letztendlich bin ich der Meinung, dass es nur Krücken auf dem Weg sind.