Accept my back pain
Until recently, I really thought I was out of the woods. Four times I had violent knee problems. And in the meantime, shoulder pain had also disappeared. I was in balance for a while.
And now I feel like an old grandpa and can't move properly because my back hurts and is plenty tense.
I have since overcome the back problems. Read about it in this article.
It reminds me of a similar phase about 30 years ago. What the orthopaedist at the time defined as a symptom of old age suddenly disappeared - from one day to the next. And since then I have had no back complaints at all for years.
Why now again?
I'm not sure yet. There are a few clues, but not yet a liberating solution. In this respect, this article is an interim report.
An obvious target:
My - and also yours? - Attention to the mental causes of physical symptoms.
Perhaps for now this is not much more than a preliminary collection of clues that may lead to the causes.
"I don't really want this anymore."
What do the situations have in common in which I had low back pain?
30 years ago it was the experience of a partnership that forced me into a way of life I did not want. As soon as I distanced myself, the pain disappeared.
Currently, the pain has become acute again while I was doing a 3-day manual job. Basically, I've known for a long time that I don't want to do the craft job anymore. I did it as a favor to a friend, and maybe also to find out if the unwillingness has changed in the meantime.Â
The body is weakened at the back.
A quarter of a year ago I had an MRI of my spine. The result image shows a very old vertebral fracture that I didn't even know about. So the physical structure is obviously impaired.Â
Nevertheless, this impairment did not have a negative effect for years, while I often had to deal with heavy work.
Recently I have narrowly missed a lumbago several times, and that after several hours of hiking. At first there is no connection between spiritual unresolved issues and these "warning shots".
But interestingly, this was a bit different after the last hike.
Negative energies from outside
I took this hike with a friend who was visiting me. On the way he started to criticize me in an unobjective way.Â
Getting into the car, I again got a near witch shot. This time more violent than before.
The next day we got into a heated argument over breakfast. I asked him to leave.
Immediately after he left, my back relaxed almost completely!
At first it seemed that I could not stand a longer hike, but then I experience how the abundantly tense state disappears from one moment to the next.
Spiritual influences are the real causes.
In the meantime, the friend got help in a clinic. He was exposed to strange energies that controlled him too much. External energies often ruthlessly want to drive us again and again in directions that may be interesting for them. But not for us.
The contact with these energies caused acute back tension and pain in me, which lasted as long as the energies were present in my environment.
Beyond this experience, I also experience other spiritual influences on the degree of tension in the lower back. For example, when I deal with the dark shadows of our humanity, which come to light more and more these days.Â
To some extent, I have already written a few blog articles about these shadows. However, in doing so, avoided detailing the very worst perversions against humanity.
Exhaling is just as important as inhaling.
It is somehow part of my present duties to take information about these perversions - especially against children - into my mind and to support the dissolution or healing with prayers.
In doing so, I sometimes forget to release such information in a healing way. Otherwise I succeed most effectively with Ho'oponopono.
With Ho'oponopono, I don't just consciously take the information into my mind. I let my compassion respond to it and then consciously and willingly let it all go.
I forgive myself and ask God to heal my spirit where this disaster is.
Sometimes I forget how important that is. It's like I forget to exhale. Only when I really let go of the negative and give it to God can healing happen.
Only then can my back or my whole body-mind system relax.
And what else?
If you've followed me this far, you may also be wondering what happens next. How we can really achieve healing.
Several times I have asked a spiritual healer friend to treat the lower back. Each time it has brought something into consciousness and also immediately brought noticeable relaxation and relief.
Yesterday, too, I had him treat me after manual labor had caused me acute pain.
While I was lying down, I did indeed feel everything gradually relax. But as soon as I stood up, the pain and tension was acutely there again, undiminished.
Now I'll rest for a while.Â
Nothing happens by chance.
The more acute a pain, the more the issues associated with it are on the surface. In what way I can now - beyond the mind - really perceive frozen feelings and traumas, I don't know.
I may also need a suitable companion.
Meanwhile, I am confident that everything important will come to light in order to find redemption. I have experienced this over and over again.
In this case, I have not yet reached my goal. A strong abdomen and back would be nice, but also my "Knee Stories" needed their time and repetitions.Â
Writing this article goes remarkably smoothly from my hand - or should I say from the heart?!
I'm in the middle of the still unredeemed state and I'm not alone in it.Â
Lower back problems are now occurring collectively.
Talking to some friends, I realize that I am not an isolated case. They have back problems themselves or know some who suffer from them.
It is therefore quite obvious that we are confronting issues that can be linked to the abdomen and the lower back collectively at this time.
Everything comes to light that has lain hidden in the subconscious. Whoever takes a closer look at world events quickly realizes that abuse of power has taken place on many levels. Also and especially in the area of child and human trafficking.
The Divine Source created us as sovereign free human beings, not as slaves or subjects, not as purchasable sex objects, not as purveyors of riches that only a vanishingly small minority can enjoy.
Power centre 'Hara' and abuse of power
As divine creatures, the divine power, the creative power, is freely available to us. Through this power we have in principle unlimited power and could be co-creators with God.
What happens when we - as humanity - abuse this power?
In Asian culture, our abdomen is seen as a power center within the body and is called 'Hara'. From the Hara we develop any power, as martial arts fighters know very well.
One form of power abuse lies in the violent exercise of sexual power and, moreover, in exploiting our vulnerability to the inherent dynamics of our sexuality.
In German: We are sometimes too easily seduced and thus go astray. Most politicians are deliberately put into compromising situations, which makes them blackmailable and thus steerable.
By the way, the sexual chakra is the second lowest of 7 chakras and belongs to the hara.
Collective task: Healing our power center
By confronting the issues of abuse, we open ourselves to healing of mind and body. Often these issues are still in our subconscious. Some of them are still with me, I guess.
I keep noticing that I am living more than restrained and my abdomen is not a powerhouse but weak.Â
What experiences have led to this reticence and weakness?
I don't know comprehensively yet.Â
Some time ago I went into an intensive session of several hours with a shaman, in which I confronted myself with images from the subconscious. They were images from "past" lives in which I could see myself as a victim and also as a perpetrator.
This session had solved a lot of things. For example, since then I have no longer felt shivering, which previously occurred frequently to daily.
It is probably a prerequisite for our ascension into a higher dimension that we consciously look at our old dramas and traumas, integrate them and let them go.Â
Not all have this task. But some do. So do I.Â
And by mastering this task, we fulfill
the 5 learning goals of life.
It's probably no coincidence that I'm currently reading the book "The Five Lessons of Live" by Carrie Kohan.
This is about the essential task we have to master here on earth before we can ascend into the 5D-reality.
What is this essential task?
It's the ability to be completely in
- Unconditional Love
- Forgiveness
- Faith
- Trust and
- Compassion
How do we get there? By allowing ourselves to truly love ourselves unconditionally. Furthermore, to love our enemies unconditionally as well. By forgiving ourselves and others completely and exchanging our fears and judgments for faith and trust. By learning to feel more.
During a near-death experience, Carrie Kohan writes, she meets God and a conciliar of light beings in the midst of a "white void" and is encouraged to let go of her self-condemnation for aborting her unborn child.
And she meets another group of radiant light beings who belong to a soul family with her. She is shown how two of these light souls get ready to take on the role of their rapists on earth.Â
In other words: We all come here to Earth - to this plane of illusion or matrix - to progress through certain pre-programmed experiences in our soul development. For this purpose we slip into roles of victims and perpetrators.
This is also very appealingly thematized in Neal D. Walsh's book "I am the Light!"
Mirdad:Love is the sap of Life. While hatred is the pus of Death. But Love, like blood, must circulate unhindered in the veins. Repress the blood, and it becomes a menace and a plague. And what is Hate but Love repressed, or Love withheld, therefore becoming such a deadly poison both to the feeder and the fed; both to the hater and to that he hates?
A yellow leaf upon your tree of life is but a Love weaned leaf. Blame not the yellow leaf. A withered bough is but a Love-starved bough. Blame not the withered bough.
A putrid fruit is but a Hatred-suckled fruit. Blame not the putrid fruit. But rather blame your blind and stingy heart that would dole out the sap of life to few and would deny it to many, thereby denying it to itself.
No love is possible except the love of self. No self is real apart from the all-embracing Self. Therefore is God all Love, because He loves Himself.
Mikhail Naimy, The Book of Mirdad
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