Much has been written about Jesus and Buddha, including several so-called "channelings" with their "messages". But what to think of a book in which the author describes his direct encounter with these masters?
Baird T. Spalding writes that he met several masters with extraordinary abilities on his expeditions, including Jesus and Buddha. His exciting book The Journey - Life and teachings of the masters in the Far East, vol. 1-3, I experience as very stirring and confronting.
I was thrilled when I read it for the first time. Strong doubts about certain passages dominated on re-reading. Also, I found statements in some websites that the expeditions never existed. So I decided to sell it. Fortunately, I kept an ebook version, which I picked up years later.
When I reread the book, it inspired me much more deeply than before. I began to understand that there was something like a true recipe in front of me to be able to experience oneness with God without a detour.
Miracle upon miracle?
On their long journey, Spalding and the other explorers are accompanied from the beginning by masters with amazing abilities. For example, when needed, they create tasty bread from spiritual divine substance.
And they go floating over the water of a wide river with a strong current to the other bank. Courageous fellow travelers, who could put aside any reservations, follow them unconcernedly.
Later, the travelers witness amazing healings, manifestations and bilocations. The masters point out that they are basically not miracles. They only apply divine laws consistently.
What is more, every human being is capable of doing this in principle if he surrenders to these laws and to God.
Temporarily on their journey, Spalding and his companions have the ability to travel to higher rooms immediately through thought focus, without having to rely on the stairs and ladders.
Buddha and Jesus
In a Buddhist temple, Spalding and the expedition team witness Buddha and Jesus appearing during a violent spiritual conflict.
Both make it clear that they are two equal brothers who serve the common cause. Thus, they resolve the conflict between the Buddhists and Christians.
Together with many other masters, they continue to help tirelessly so that humanity can enter Christ Consciousness . Historically, Buddha showed the way and Jesus the realization of the Christ. We can only find this consciousness, and therefore God, within ourselves.
From within ourselves, we are in principle capable of unfolding and using the divine almighty power.
But how can we activate this power? Is it a long way, or is there a shortcut?
Recipe for realization - from Jesus
I find an answer in Spalding's book. In simple and clear words Jesus gives a direct instruction for the abolition of any separation! And in equally clear words I learn how we gradually become able to do similar works and healings as he did.
How long have I been looking - more or less consciously - for this recipe? Since my youth, Jesus has been my role model. And that certainly in the sense in which I find him again in Spalding's wonderful book.
Nevertheless, this sense has slipped away from me too often. Through too many events I let myself be distracted from the essential until now.
What is more essential than to find oneself in God and even to be one with Him? Endowed with all the attributes as a child and co-creator of God - like Jesus?
It can be applied and activated immediately NOW:
As a realization, as a decision and as a physically perceptible force in the body.
This does not require any training or many years of meditation experience. The spontaneous experience of Oneness with the Primal Creator simply needs an open heart and an open mind.
Jesus has set the example for us and gives us the simplest instructions in Spalding's book:
- Know yourself as a Christ-being,
- One with the Christ of God and
- One with the Source.
Feel that. Think of yourself that way. Identify yourself as Christ, as a child of God. Eternally connected directly.
Experience the Light and Power of the Source within you, feel it energetically in your body.
I did. A warm, radiant power gradually filled my chest - an encouraging beginning.
More than a wonderful foretaste?
I clearly felt that I was on the right path. Nevertheless, days later I drifted away again into some "trivialities". Once again I missed the "big shot". Like many other brothers and sisters. The wonderful moments of glory we experience are at first only a foretaste of what could be. They quickly fade away in favor of a daily routine.
Don't we all stray more or less forward, often like a blind cow?
But the seed of deeper knowledge is already germinating and sprouting.
Spalding's second book, vol. 4-5, also provides further spiritual nourishment. It contains several clarifying lectures that Baird Spalding gave to smaller groups. In them you will also find many statements that reinforce the message of the first book and make it even more understandable.
The printed version of volumes 4-5 is currently out of print, but the book is still available as an ebook. A new edition would come now at the right time. Because our collective consciousness can now absorb and integrate the deep truth content.
Our BLOOM TIME comes with divine determination, AFTER complete purification and maturation. Why this is true, we find in a small, amazing booklet, written in 1917.
In it, God speaks directly to you as "I, YOUR divine SELF, the part of you that says I AM and is I AM. [...] For I am your true teacher, the only real one you will ever know, and the only Master.“
The ultimate, final book?
Is this booklet the ultimate, final book for your search for truth? The book that ends all your searches for masters and their teachings? And confronts you directly with God?
A friend once said to me:
"I don't read anymore. It's just a distraction. I've read more than enough books."
Will it be possible for me now, after the exceedingly astonishing booklet written in 1917 (!) "The Impersonal Life", also go like this?
Probably not, at least not in principle. But as for all the guidebooks that want to show the way to God, this booklet could make most of them superfluous.
In clear and understandable language God explains to you that your divine SELF is your only master. And this is exactly what you have to internalize so deeply that you KNOW and live it.
The impersonal life leads you through all errors to a DESTINATION.
You learn that you do NOTHING of your own accord, but EVERYTHING in your life happens through the omnipotence of God. Even more - we are all interconnected expressions of His all-encompassing IDEA.
And the purpose of this idea is to bring it to full bloom here on earth.
We humans are destined to play a central role in this. In a longer process we gain the consciousness of being active expressions of the divine will and capable of using His POWER lovingly and creatively. Here is a text excerpt from p. 20f:
"I AM the guiding intelligence of everything, the animating spirit, the life, the consciousness of all matter, all substance.
So you see: YOU - the real YOU, the impersonal YOU - are in everything and are one with everything, are in me and one with me, just as I am in you and in everything and thereby express my reality through you and through everything.
This will - you call it your will - does not belong to you personally any more than this consciousness and intelligence of your mind and the cells of your body belong to you.
Only a small part of my will I leave to the personal you for use. In the same measure as you awake to the realization of a certain power or ability in you and begin to use it consciously, I allow you to use correspondingly more of my infinite power.
All power is applicable only to the extent that the use of my will is recognized and understood.
Your will and all your powers are only phases of My will, which I give you according to your ability to use them.
If I were to entrust you with the full power of My will before you consciously knew how to use it, it would completely destroy your body."
Allowing abuse and sin
Have we not often wondered what role God plays in the world's often tragic drama? What is His justice?
And aren't we looking for meaning in the dualistic world, which for too many people is the opposite of paradise?
We learn from the Law of Karma, but do we really know its essential meaning?
The following continuation of the text excerpt answers such questions and clearly shows God's intention:
"In order to test your strength, and more often, to show you what the abuse of my power does for you, I allow you to temporarily commit a so-called sin or to make a mistake. I even allow you to become puffed up in the feeling of my presence in you, when it expresses itself as awareness of my power, my intelligence, my love. I allow you to take it and use it for your personal purposes. But not for long; because you are not strong enough to control them, you soon lose the power over them, they run away with you, throw you into the swamp and disappear from your consciousness for the time being.
I am always there to pick you up after the fall, although you do not know it at that time. First I lift you up and then send you back on your way by showing you the cause of your fall. Finally, when you are sufficiently humbled, I bring you to the realization that you must use these powers, which accrue to you through the conscious use of My will, intelligence and love, only for My service and not at all for your own personal purposes."
We are cells of His body
"Do the cells of your body, the muscles of your arm, presume to think they have a will separate from your will or an intelligence separate from your intelligence? No, they know only your intelligence, only your will.
After some time you will realize: you are only one of the cells of my body, and your will is not yours, but mine, and whatever consciousness and intelligence you have - they are completely mine. You will realize: you as a person do not exist, because you personally are only a physical form with a human brain, which I created to express an idea in the material, of which I could best express a certain phase only in this particular form."
Letting go of the "personality"
Even for Buddha, it was about shedding all personality masks and becoming an empty vessel for the Divine Substance. But this does not mean to become nothing, but rather the perfect expression of the IDEA of God, as His creature - like Jesus. Stripped of all illusions, endowed with all that God has placed within us.
For you are a beautiful flower
in this garden life!
Without you and your unique scent
the world would be different.
You bring something special,
something that no one else can bring.
Discover your own beauty,
Your own powers, all of which are already there.
Jeru Kabbal
Your fragrance and your own beauty are given to you by God. So is your own strength. When you blossom is in your hands - always. Also, if and when you read the books presented here or this article. And whether you write a comment....
Be quiet! and know
"In the following words lies hidden the great secret.
Blessed are you who finds it.
Be quiet! and know - I AM - GOD.
Know: I AM within you. Know: I AM you. Know: I AM your life. Know: all wisdom, all love, all power is constant in this life, which - now - flows unrestricted through your whole existence.
I AM the life, I AM the intelligence, I AM the power in all substance - in all cells of your body..."
The Impersonal Life, S.95
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Lieber Rainer, es ist schon eine Weile her, dass ich auf Deinem Blog war, und ich auch hier und dort Kommentare hinterließ. Unter anderem schrieb ich damals, dass Lesen auf irgendeine Art süchtig macht. “Ich” sehe es auch heute noch so. Und doch geht es mir ähnlich wie dir: ICH BIN noch immer auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit. Ich habe immer mehr das Gefühl, dass hier tatsächlich alles Fake, Maja, Illusion, wie auch immer ist. Das Lesen habe ich noch immer nicht aufgegeben, weil es mir immer mehr Erkenntnis bringt. Das Büchlein von Herrn Benner las ich auch schon… Read more "
Danke auch für Deinen Kommentar, liebe Petra! “Willkommen im Club”, könnte ich sagen, denn mir geht es ja ähnlich.
Oft fühle ich mich wie in einem Labyrinth: Manchmal schon kurz vor dem Ziel, und dann wieder fast am Anfang.
Was bleibt uns außer vertrauensvoll zu beobachten, was geschieht?